Heterogeneous dislocation loop formation near grain boundaries in a neutron-irradiated commercial FeCrAl alloy

FeCrAl alloys are an attractive class of materials for nuclear power applications because of their increased environmental compatibility compared with more traditional nuclear materials. Preliminary studies into the radiation tolerance of FeCrAl …

Impact of neutron irradiation on thermal helium desorption from iron

The synergistic effect of neutron irradiation and transmutant helium production is an important concern for the application of iron-based alloys as structural materials in fission and fusion reactors. In this study, we investigated the impact of …

Irradiation of Wrought FeCrAl Tubes in the High Flux Isotope Reactor

Mechanical performance of RAFM and ODS steels in HFIR JP28 and JP29 irradiations

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information

Mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated model and commercial FeCrAl alloys

The development and understanding of the mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated FeCrAl alloys is increasingly a critical need as these alloys continue to become more mature for nuclear reactor applications. This study focuses on the mechanical …

Microstructural evolution of neutron-irradiated T91 and NF616 to ∼4.3 dpa at 469 °C

Ferritic-martensitic steels such as T91 and NF616 are candidate materials for several nuclear applications. This study evaluates radiation resistance of T91 and NF616 by examining their microstructural evolutions and hardening after the samples were …

ORNL/TM-2017/186 Rev.1 Handbook of FeCrAl Alloys for Nuclear Power Production Applications

FeCrAl alloys are a class of alloys that have seen increased interest for nuclear power applications including accident tolerant fuel cladding, structural components for fast fission reactors, and as first wall and blanket structures for fusion …

Sub-size tensile specimen design for in-reactor irradiation and post-irradiation testing

The present work aims to provide a complete engineering solution, an appropriate experimental database, and a brief physical background on designing a miniature specimen geometry suitable for irradiation in materials test reactors such as the High …

Synergies Between $\alpha$' and Cavity Formation in HT-9 Following High Dose Neutron Irradiation

Complementary Techniques for Quantification of $\alpha$' Phase Precipitation in Neutron-Irradiated Fe-Cr-Al Model Alloys

The substandard performance of Zircaloy LWR cladding materials under loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) conditions has prompted the search for a more well-suited material for these conditions. Initial investigations of Fe-Cr-Al alloys have demonstrated …