Studies were undertaken investigating improvements to the biological interaction of polymeric implant materials through their coating with an osteoinductive calcium phosphate (CaP)-type film using biomimetic deposition technology. Past research indicates that CaP coatings on implant materials increase bone growth and remodeling rates as well as enhance the stability of the bone-implant interface. This is due to the highly biocompatible nature of CaP and its chemical similarities to natural bone mineral, which enables it to form chemical bonds with bone. Additionally, adding additives to polymers, which have the proper functionality to serve as nucleation sites for CaP coating growth, can potentially improve biocompatibility and long-term stability of implant devices. Our research efforts presented in this paper concentrated on adding zinc stearate to polyethylene. Important potential benefits of using polyethylene-stearate blends having CaP coatings include: increased surface porosity that can improve mechanical stability of the implant via enhanced osseointegration, improved rates and quality of bone-implant fusion, and enhanced soft tissue wound healing through stimulation of angiogenesis. Our results show that chemical immersion of polyethylene-zinc stearate blends in supersaturated calcium-phosphate solutions elicits growth of porous CaP coatings, although at a very slow rate, ∼0.1 ($\mu$m/day. Copyright \textcopyright 2007 MS&T'07\textregistered.